
Talking About Financial Matters That Affect You and Your Organization

The Selectpath Scholarship Program

Posted by Jeff Cox

Jul 27th, 2017

The Selectpath Scholarship Program

The Selectpath Scholarship Program was created because Selectpath Benefits & Financial Inc. believes in education and its ability to help people achieve their dreams. The scholarship is awarded annually to a child or grandchild of a Selectpath employee who will be pursuing post-secondary education or training the following year. Each applicant must answer the question “How Will I Make a Difference?” using whatever medium they choose. We’d like to congratulate this year’s winner, Sarah West, for her eloquent submission (which you can read below) and wish her the best at Carleton University as she pursues her dream of becoming a journalist.

“How Will I Make a Difference”

Such a privilege as the ability to do anything at the touch of a finger,

Is simultaneously abused and neglected,

We spend our attention on Instagram models, hurting others, and famous singers.

Issues that are often created by our own hands,

Fashioned through ignorance and spite,

Get left for another to generation to withstand.

We think that just because we are young,

We don't have to watch what we say,

Don’t have to hold our tongues,

Consumed by propaganda, attention spans are left broken,

Leaving too many people voiceless,

Because of all the focus on thoughts that would have been better off not spoken.

Whatever happened to respect and loyalty?

We neglect those at need,

And treat the beautiful like royalty.

But it’s not too late to make a difference

So much potential for change lays behind the touch of a finger,

Our thoughts need to become our messages,

We need to make them strong so the impact will linger.

So that the issues once ignored,

Will overflow our news feeds so much that the messages seep into our minds,

Until they too are so full, and we use it to move forward.

Just because we are the youth,

It does not mean we have nothing to say,

Just listen, just watch, just read- you’ll see the truth.

Our voices will raise with us as we grow,

What we have to say will be impossible not to hear,

And our echo will inspire others to follow.

Everyone deserves to be acknowledged with dignity

With an audience of millions, we can captivate all demographics,

No one will be forgotten, we are all equal, we all make up humanity.

*Photo by Baim Hanif on Unsplash*

The Selectpath Scholarship Program

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